Please check your email if you preordered, as we have sent out a call for shipping address updates!
Mod Doni has all items on-hand at long last and will be packing your booty safely & securely for the long voyage to your homes.Thank you so much for your patience through our extended production as we overcame the hurdles of Mod illnesses and production delays!ALL orders will receive an email from Pirate Ship or BigCartel with a tracking number once the shipping label has been created. Please assume that until we have posted that all physical shipping is complete, if you don't have a tracking email, your package has not yet been sent.Again, thank you all so much for all of your patience!
Submerged is a BNHA Halloween Zine
with the theme of "Underwater Creatures"

they / them || 30sWaifu of sirens
Captain of the S.S. Monsterfucker
• Let's Start a RIOT: Kirishima Zine (23-24) — Head Mod Assistant (Org, Socials, Finance, Graphics backup)
• TSUKUYOMI (22-23) — Graphics Assist • Socials Assist • Organization Assist
• Tie Me Up: A BNHA Shibari Fanzine – Head • Finance • Shipping
• RE//DUX — Head • GFX • Socials • Finance • Shipping
• MHH: Dragon Smash! — Head • Socials • Graphics • Finance • Shipping
• CamStar Heroes (22-23) – Head • Finance • Shipping • Graphics
• Hues of Green: Bolin Art Book (22-23) – Co-Head Mod
• MHH Monster Smash! (2021) – Head • Graphics • Socials
• Rhythm Roundup (2021) – Head Mod
• IncuSho (2020) – Assistant Mod

she / her // 32Aki Wording Mama
Tell me tales of Tentacles!
As a Demon of the deep myself; I’ll love reading all your underwater lore of Cursed swashbuckling Heroes and Denizens beneath the waves.
Proud Mama of this gamily™
• Let's Start a RIOT: Kirishima Zine (23-24) — Writing • Beta
• TSUKUYOMI: Tokoyami Zine (22-23) — Writing • Co-Org & Soc.
• My Hero Halloween: SUBMERGED (2023) — Writing & Beta Mod
• Tie Me Up (22-23) — Writing & Beta Mod
• Gilded (22-23) — Writing & Beta Mod
• RE//DUX (22-23) — Writing & Beta Mod
• Nova Pulse (22-23) — Writing & Beta Mod
• Cam Star Heroes (2022) — Beta Mod
• My Hero Halloween: DRAGON SMASH! (2022) — Beta Mod

they / them // 30+Give me stories of creatures dredged up from the deep and I will be a happy little clam. #bubbles
• Squad Goals Bang (2022) – Intern Mod
• Dope Tulip Bang (2023) – Gen Mod
• To Infinity With You Bang (2023) – Gen Mod
• Dancing After Dark Bang (2023) – Gen Mod
• BNHA Whump Bang (2023) – Gen Mod
• Celestial Night Sailor Moon Zine (2023) – Gen/Server Mod

he / him || 29Aspiring horror manga artist who is happily married to a Priest of Cthulhu Star Spawn necromancer.
Modding Baby! <3

• Tie Me Up (22-23) – Graphics Mod
• Nova Pulse (22-23) – Formatting Mod
• Stern Bild Style – Formatting Mod
• Guardian Zine – Formatting / Art Mod
• Money Talks – Formatting Mod

Finance // Production
she / her || 30sCat hair-covered pufferfish
Loves Iida too much
Who doesn't enjoy a lil tentacle, as a treat
• Let's Start a RIOT (23-24) — Head • Organization • GFX • Layout • Soc. • FPS
• Wintertide (2023) — Finance • Prod • Shipping • Graphics
• Boku no Calendar (2023) – Finance • Production • Shipping
• BIAZ (2023) — Shipping Mod
• TSUKUYOMI (22-23) — Head • FPS • GFX • Layout • Socials
• The Kakashi Zine (2022) — Layout • Art
• RE//DUX (22-23) — Head • Layout • Art
• Vaporise (2022) — Art Mod
• MHH Dragon Smash! (2022) — Merch
• IidaTenBros (22-23) — Head • Socials • GFX • Layout • FPS
FEBRUARY 1, 2023
Contributor apps Open
March 25-26
Friday, March 31
April 2, 2023
Pitch assignments
April 2 - July 15
Creation Period
April 28-30
Sketches & Outlines Due
May 26-28
35-50% Completion
June 23-25
Check-in #3
75-90% Completion
July 18
FINALS DUE - Hard Deadline
July 24 - August 31, 2023
(tentatively) JANUARY
Delays may occur depending on production times.
We will keep everyone informed via social media.

A "Hue" project has a theme loosely inspired by Huevember.This project's goal is to have a minimum of one of each color on the color wheel. We will give color codes to help follow the palette.If you feel like this is too limiting – never fear! You can use other colors in your piece, but the dominant color must be your assigned hue.We will take color preferences during the pitching period and do our best to assign fairly.
Is this zine for charity or for profit?
This project will be for profit. Funds will first be used to fulfill all orders and cover full bundles for each contributor as compensation. Any leftover funds after that will be split evenly among the contributors.
Will you email applicants regardless of acceptance?
Everyone will get an email response to the email address provided in their application, regardless of whether they are accepted as a contributor, accepted as a pinch hitter, or rejected from the project.
How will we submit files for check-ins and final submission?
Check-ins will be done by sharing Google Drive folder links in a google form, which will be provided to contributors at the beginning of each check-in. Please include your credit name in the file names & ensure share settings are set to “view by anyone with the link!”
Please put your name on your files :)
Please :')
Can I submit NSFW samples in my portfolio?
Since this is an 18+ NSFW project, yes you may! If there is anything that isn't strictly "vanilla," please do put it in a separate folder within your main and label any trigger warnings that may apply! We all have different tastes and would like to ensure all mods stay safe during the application process :)
Can I draw/write X for the zine?
All contributors will submit pitches with their preference in characters / ships / hue assignment. We will do our best to assign first choices to everyone, but please know that some people will be asked to do their second or third choice.
If I ship X, will it prevent me from getting into the zine?
We are not concerned with your personal content preferences (outside very specific and obvious exceptions). The mods are all pro-ship. Our main concern when it comes to screening potential contributors is to make sure they do not participate in drama, harassment, or bullying of any sort.Hate or prejudice of any sort will not be tolerated inside the Discord server nor the project itself.
Will you ship internationally?
We will! The only exceptions to shipping will be if your country has its borders closed to international mail for any reason.
Can I submit my ao3 / Deviantart / Carrd for my portfolio?
The mods strongly request that you take the time to upload your pieces into a Google Drive folder. This enables all mods to be able to view your pieces equally.It is very important to be able to curate your portfolios to the required 2-3 / 3-5 / etc limits. It helps to showcase your best work and that you know your own strengths and weaknesses.
Can I apply for more than one position?
Certainly! Please be aware, however, all potential contributors will be chosen for only one role.
PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE APPLYING! THANK YOU!Writing, Page, and Merch applicants must be age 18 or older at the time of applying.To apply:
Please create a folder for your portfolio in Google Drive
with your chosen credit name in the Drive folder's name.Be sure the permissions are set to be viewed by anyone with the link.Both SFW and NSFW samples are welcome. If any ART pieces require trigger warnings, please put them in a subfolder with the folder's name listing the warnings. Any FIC pieces must have trigger warnings listed at the TOP of the document.At least one work sample must be BNHA.Writers will be expected to write at least one fanfic.
Page artists will be expected to create at least one page of artwork.
Merch artists will be responsible for at minimum one piece of merchandise.
We would like each contributor to potentially do two pieces –
if you are able to only work on one, this will not disqualify you –
just let the mods know when you're pitching :)You may apply for multiple positions -
however, applicants will only be chosen for one position.
Please submit 2-3 samples that best demonstrate your style of writing.
Each sample should be a minimum of 1,500 words. All 3 samples combined should not exceed 7k words.
We will be judging samples based on characterization, grammar, punctuation, flow, and plot.
All samples must be 100% written by you. Previous zine works are allowed. If the zine isn't released yet, please ensure you have permission from your mods to share! We will not be sharing any applicants' links outside of the MHH Mod Team.
Your fic for this project will follow the rules of a Reverse Bang. Artists will come up with an initial sketch for writers to choose from for a collab. Writers must write a minimum of one collaborative piece – they will then be free to choose a 2nd partner or do a pitch of their own. The total word count PER PIECE must be between 2k-6k.
Please submit 3-6 samples of finished work that best represent your style & ability.
NSFW and SFW works are both welcome. If your pieces require trigger warnings of any sort, please place them in a subfolder inside your main Google Drive folder, and name that folder with the triggers. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
This project will be a Hue Project. Please include a piece, if available, that demonstrates your ability to work monochromatically.
We will judge pieces based on composition, color and/or value, understanding of form & depth, and anatomy.
Backgrounds are required, whether they are simple & decorative or environmental. At least one piece in your portfolio must have a detailed background.
If you would like to be considered for making a comic for the zine, please include AT LEAST one example of previous comic work, so we can judge how well you carry a plot, readability, style, and the layout of panels.
Both digital and traditional works are acceptable - however, traditional work must be scanned in high quality.
Please submit 3-6 samples of finished work that best represent your style & ability. A "set" can count as one piece (for example, if you have Iida, Deku, and Uraraka together in a sticker set - you can count that as 1 of your 3-6).
NSFW and SFW works are both welcome. If your pieces require trigger warnings of any sort, please place them in a subfolder inside your main Google Drive folder, and name that folder with the triggers. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
We will judge pieces based on composition, color and/or value, understanding of form & depth, and rendering.
The merchandise for this project will be required to follow a specific color due to the Hue Theme – or have a rainbow palette.
We will consider more unique items during pitches, but if you have the desire to create a certain type of merchandise for the zine (enamel pins, acrylic charms, stickers, etc), it is encouraged to show work examples of those types of merch. It is not guaranteed that any artist will be assigned any specific type of merch.
All examples do not need to be merch "items." Full illustrations, or print examples, are encouraged.
Both digital and traditional works are acceptable - however, traditional work must be scanned in high quality.
Our DMs are always open!Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.You can email us at
[email protected]or use the form below!